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Get Connected

For more information on any of these programs

contact the Church Office at 973-538-8394

Sign Up Online Here:

to usher

to be a liturgist

to host coffee hour

to donate flowers

Coffee Hour Fellowship – every Sunday after worship

Hosted by members of the congregation who provide delicious refreshments, Coffee Hour is a time to connect with friends and neighbors and to welcome visitors.

Toddler Time – Wednesdays during the school year from 9:30 am to 11:30 am in Fellowship Hall.

Toddler Time is a play group for children under 5 and their parents, caregivers, grandparents, and friends. Toddler Time is a safe, fun environment where children can play with one another and adults have an opportunity to socialize.

Men’s Breakfast – 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:30 am  

We meet at La Di Da Café (12 Village Road in New Vernon) and discuss everything from the Super Bowl, to the environment, to racism as they relate to our faith. The food is always good and the conversation even better!

Senior Luncheon – 4th Wednesday of the month at 12:00 pm

           A fun and vibrant luncheon for seniors, their friends, and caregivers.

Messy Church – held several times during the school year

Geared toward children in elementary school and their families. We have messy crafts in Fellowship Hall followed by a story and music in the church. At the end of the program everyone gathers for a casual supper. Messy Church is free and open to everyone.

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