Community Life
We are Commmunity
For more information on any of these programs
contact the Church Office at 973-538-8394

Coffee Hour Fellowship
Every Sunday after worship
Hosted by members of the congregation who provide delicious refreshments, Coffee Hour is a time to connect with friends and neighbors and to welcome visitors.

Let's Do Lunch
3rd Wednesday of the month at 12:00 pm
A fun and vibrant luncheon for seniors, their friends, and caregivers.
Family Offerings:
Raising kids is hard. It takes a community to raise children in the faith, and parents need a lot of support as they balance the demands of raising a young family in today’s world.
To meet this growing need in out community, FPCNV has created the Youth and Family Ministry Fund, and hired Rev. Hayley O’Connor as associate Minister for Youth and Families. We’ve seen this ministry grow tremendously over the last five years, and are thankful for the energy, curiosity, and enthusiasm the children bring to our church family.
The Church Mice
Our children’s choir sings several times each term. Children of all ability levels are welcome to participate. Contact the church office for more information.

Sunday School
We meet every Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall with Rev. O’Connor to hear a Bible Story, play, and make crafts together.
Toddler Time
Wednesdays 9-11a (operates on term schedule)
Are you at home with little ones? Looking for a place to connect with other parents & caregivers?
Toddler Time is a play group for children under age 5, hosted by FPCNV, but no church connection is required. Drop into Fellowship Hall any time between 9:00 and 11:00 for informal play, a small craft, and a snack.
Contact Rev. Hayley O'Connor for more information: hayley@pcnv.org
Parenting Programs
We hold seminars in person and over ZOOM on parenting, raising resilient children, talking to kids about racism, and more. Watch our website for upcoming events.