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Health and Safety Guidelines

If you have questions or concerns, 

contact the Church Office at 973-538-8394


To help create a safer environment, MERV-13 filters have been installed in the air handlers of our sanctuary. They clean the air several times an hour while the building is occupied. 


Masks are optional but welcome at all events

FPCNV follows CDC guidance for masking in public indoor spaces. When Morris County is classified as having “high” “community spread masks are required indoors for all individuals over the age of two.

When Morris County is classified as having “moderate” or “low” community spread, masks are voluntary at indoors events.

You can check on the current community spread status here

Childcare & Sunday School

Our Sunday School currently meets every week in Fellowship Hall during 10 am worship.

Our Nursery care has also resumed and is available for children four and under. Our nursery attendants and volunteers are fully vaccinated.



Receptions and Meals

It is now possible to have a meal or small reception indoors at FPCNV. Coffee Hour continues as well on Sunday mornings.

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