Session Highlights September 2023
Devotions were led by Robert Lecky (reflecting on September 11th)
Session Clerk
Minutes from the June 26th meeting were approved
It was noted that communion was celebrated on July 2nd, August 6th and September 3rd
The baptism of Skylar LaCosta was celebrated on August 13th
Rev. Stone officiated at the funeral of Bill Bruen on August 7th, the interment of Phil Burrows on August 17th
Candace Weeks and Ben Thompson were appointed to represent session on the Nominating Team and session voted to call a congregational meeting on Oct 15 to elect members of the nominating team from the congregation.
Noted that a congregational meeting will be held on Sept 17th to approve the new bylaws of the congregation.
The results of the 2022 Presbytery Minute Review were presented
Pastor’s Report
Session discussed and approved a request from Rev. Dr. Chorba to allocate a place for he and Merle’s ashes to be interred near the entrance to the Memorial Garden.
Associate Minister for Children and Families
Rev. O’Connor was invited by the Presbyterian Foundation to attend an October conference for leaders in thriving congregations (held in Ft. Worth, Texas). Session approved covering travel expenses for this.
Recommends that FPCNV not hold a Fall Festival this year due to a schedule conflict with the town’s centennial celebration on October 14th. We will support and attend the town’s event instead.
Recruiting volunteers for baptism brunch on September 24th.
Mission and Outreach
Distributed $22,000 in grants to our partners: Morris County Jail Chaplaincy, Children on the Green Preschool, Cornerstone Family Programs, Deirdre’s House, Homeless Solutions, Mental Health Association of Morris County, Mrs. Wilson’s, and Nourish NJ.
Mental Health Association Dinner is scheduled for 5:30 pm on November 8th. Looking for volunteers.
Worship and Music
Communion dates for 2024 were approved
Session discussed Christmas Eve scheduling (since it falls on a Sunday this year) and voted to hold the Christmas Pageant during a 10 am worship service and to offer one Christmas Eve service in the evening (time TBD)
Session approved the creation of Coaching Circles for staff to begin in October. These comprise 3-4 people for each staff member who meet quarterly to offer support for goals and objectives set by the staff member and their team.
Faith and Society
Holding a book discussion on September 22 hosted by Candace Weeks
Discussed long term funding of the church cemetery and approved the creation of an Endowed Fund for this purpose with the Presbyterian Foundation
Conducted an annual review of membership rolls
Session approved the creation of a category “Friend of the Church” for those who are not formal members or actively engaged in the life of FPCNV, but want to remain in contact and affiliated with the church.
Approved the transfer of membership for two families.
Pete Finkle relayed brick pathway to sanctuary and removed paths down to road. Will be planting later in Fall.
Bathroom refresh in Fellowship Hall complete (including new changing table)
Paving of the driveway at the manse was completed
Monitoring drainage issues around sanctuary and fellowship hall
Getting quotes to re-carpet sanctuary
Campaign planning is complete and will launch this month—goal of 100% participation and 5% increase in giving
The meeting adjourned with prayer at 8:57pm